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Tag: Federal Hieghts

Make This New Year's Resolution A Good One: Let A Thornton Insurance Agent Help You Save

2011 was a big year for everyone: students graduated from high schools and colleges, people got married, babies were born, and many other remarkable things. Some of us are glad this year is coming to an end and are anxious to begin a new year, while, for others, it's bittersweet. In 2011 many important events occurred, like discovering Kepler-22---a new planet, New York City legalized...

Don't Text And Drive And Get An Instant Low Quote for Insurance In Northglenn

Everyone is always in a rush to get somewhere these days which causes reckless driving. Many people know that talking on the phone, texting, and doing other things like putting on makeup or eating causes accidents, but people continue to do them. Every year about 6,000 deaths and 1 million injuries are caused by distracted drivers. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration says that 23%...

Thornton Residents, Is Your Insurance Prepped For Winter Wonderland?

As we all know, cold weather in Colorado is certainly commonplace. Colorado is known as a winter wonderland. During winter, the mountains are at their best with fresh fallen snow almost every week for winter sports enthusiasts to shred each weekend. Sometimes temperatures slip far below 0 and snow turns into ice. To live in Colorado, you should always be prepared for rain, hail, blizzards,...

Northglenn Insurance Can Ensure Your Financial Security

When we were children, our parents and teachers asked us what we wanted to be when we grew up. Some said doctor, singer, veterinarian, firefighter, or even a princess. As we matured and got older, school became a serious work as we strived for decent grades, achieving scholarships, and getting into good universities. Our parents taught us that if you want to have all the...

Weather Your Insurance Rate With A Free Quote From Thornton Insurance Agent

Colorado is known for its so called “bipolar” weather year-round. We have nice warm summers that aren't scorching hot like in other states. During the winter it gets below zero without an inch of snow or it dumps two feet over the metro area while boasting warmer temperatures the very next day. Overall, Colorado is notorious for having the coldest winters and largest snow storms...

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